Belt alignment tools TKBA 11, TKBA 21 and TKBA 31

Precision tools allowing pulley and chain drive alignment
The tools has two components; a laser-emitting unit and three passive targets. Each is attached quickly and easily – using a powerful magnet – to the inside or outside face of a belt pulley or chain sprocket.

The TKBA 11 uses a red laser diode and can be used for distances up to 3 m (10 ft). Sturdy housings, made from ABS and 2K polymers and an aluminium base help ensure assembly stability and accuracy during alignment.

The TKBA 21 uses two red laser diodes for distances up to 3 m (10 ft). Sturdy housings, made from ABS and 2K polymers and an aluminium base help ensure assembly stability and accuracy during alignment.

The TKBA 31 uses a highly visible green laser diode. It can operate over distances up to 6 m (20 ft) – and can even be used outdoors in sunny conditions. Sturdy housings, made from ABS and 2K polymers and an aluminum base help ensure assembly stability and accuracy during alignment.
Belt alignment tool TKBA 11
Precision tool allowing pulley and chain drive alignmentThe tool has two components; a laser-emitting unit and three passive targets. Each is attached quickly and easily – using a powerful magnet – to the inside or outside face of a belt pulley or chain sprocket. The TKBA 11 can be applied to most machines that use V belts, banded belts and ribbed belts – as well as those with chain sprockets. A laser line is projected from the emitting unit to the passive targets - which are mounted on the opposite pulley. The tool then corrects for vertical angle, horizontal angle and parallel misalignment – including combinations of all three.
Belt alignment tool TKBA 21
Advanced tool allowing belt pulley and chain drive alignmentThe tool has two components: a laser-transmitting unit and a receiver unit. Each is attached quickly and easily – using a powerful magnet – to the inside or outside face of a belt pulley or chain sprocket. The TKBA 21 can be applied to most machines that use V belts, banded belts and ribbed belts – as well as those with chain sprockets. A laser line is projected from the transmitter to the receiver – which is mounted on the opposite pulley. The tool then corrects for vertical angle, horizontal angle and parallel misalignment – including combinations of all three.
Belt alignment tool TKBA 31
Pro advanced tool allowing pulley and chain drive alignmentThe tool has two components: a laser-transmitting unit and a receiver unit. Each is attached quickly and easily – using a powerful magnet – to the inside or outside face of a belt pulley or chain sprocket. The TKBA 31 can be applied to most machines that use V belts, banded belts and ribbed belts – as well as those with chain sprockets. A laser line is projected from the transmitter to the receiver – which is mounted on the opposite pulley. The tool then corrects for vertical angle, horizontal angle and parallel misalignment – including combinations of all three.